- Tech

What Makes Soberlink So Important Is That It Helps Us Stay Sober When We Need It Most?

Soberlink, an electronic alcohol monitoring gadget, is rapidly gaining popularity among police departments throughout the globe. Due to their convenience, affordability, and portability, electronic alcohol monitoring devices are increasingly being used to keep tabs on probationers serving time for a DUI conviction. Defendants are not incarcerated, placed under house arrest, or required to put up a large sum of money as security while their case is being considered.

For alcohol monitoring, only hair testing needs trips to a collection facility or lab, thus it’s more hassle-free for the patient. Since the information from an alcohol monitoring device is available at all times, it may be utilized to a defendant’s benefit in plea negotiations and sentence while the case is still ongoing.

Results were heavily influenced by Soberlink’s user-friendly monitoring software. Through the majority of 2013, we compared several face recognition software vendors in search of the most trustworthy one. After months of research, Soberlink settled on a firm that has been in the business of creating face-recognition software for security-conscious enterprises for over 20 years and has more than 2,000 customers and services in over 100 countries.

When a Soberlink is used to provide a breathalyzer test, a high-resolution camera inside the device snaps a photo of the person being tested. Next, the software will evaluate the time-stamped image against a set of the user’s images that may be customized. The Soberlink program has an extra layer of intelligence that ensures it doesn’t rely just on a master shot, which might provide inaccurate findings. The trademark for “Adaptive Facial Recognition,” or AFR (TM), is appropriately named. With the addition of more and more automatic capabilities, Soberlink has solidified its position as one of the most rapidly expanding electronic monitoring gadgets.

The last step in our system’s automation is facial recognition. Soberlink is, and will be for the foreseeable future, the most practical and effective alcohol monitoring device available.

Soberlink is a breathalyzer that may be used in these types of programs to keep track of an individual’s alcohol consumption. Soberlink may not be the greatest solution for you if you have sensitive skin, work in a physically demanding workplace, or simply cannot wear a device on your body around the clock, but the Soberlink monitoring device reviews are promising. An image of the individual being assessed is captured (to prove identity). The Soberlink gadget may be used in a variety of ways, including by scheduling periodic breathalyzer tests or by having an agent initiate a test at any time. The Soberlink device varies from the Scram device in that it doesn’t need to be in constant contact with a monitoring agent or agency via a mobile or landline phone. The Soberlink relays test results to the lab through its own cellular network.


About Danilo A. Kent

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