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Is it bad luck to use dried flowers?

Another ridiculous urban legend that has been wrongly connected to Feng Shui. In the body of literature on Feng Shui, there is a substantial amount of material that links with bad energy-dried plants. Some of this material takes things to an extreme by suggesting that dried plants might be the cause of a variety of different types of disasters. This is very obviously not the case. The idea that dried plants and floral arrangements of flower delivery Kuala Lumpur were once living but are now dead underpins this urban legend for some reason. One school of thought maintains that bringing “dead” artifacts into one’s house and displaying them will cause the home to become a magnet for bad energy. Think about it: if this were accurate, you would need to get away from every piece of your furniture pieces or else you run the danger of being constantly surrounded by energy that is “dead.” Nonsense!

  • Dried flowers, even though they often do not generate the same sense of life and energy as genuine plants do, are in no way the carriers of unfortunate occurrences or tragedies.
  • In point of fact, under some conditions, dried plants may have highly good connotations for individuals; for instance, when stored as mementos of nuptials, proms, and other joyful events, dried plants can be associated with weddings, formal wear, and other pleasant experiences.
  • If you want to exhibit keepsakes of dried flowers, you should make sure that you do so in such a manner that they do not grow too dusty or brittle. Otherwise, they could become more of an eyesore than they are a remembrance of a nice experience.
  • If you are merely interested in using dried flowers for decorative reasons, you may want to think about purchasing realistic silk substitutes instead.
  • In a space that requires the appearance of greenery but cannot maintain a healthy live plant for one purpose or another, silk plants may be utilized to stand in for the real thing and give the impression that the plant is thriving.

Silk plants are preferred to dried plants because they give off the impression of life, whilst dried plants give off the opposite impression. The appearance of certain silk plants is so lifelike that it may be challenging to distinguish them from actual, live plants. In conclusion, silk flora is nothing more than an imitation of a real plant and should never be used for any purpose other than to enhance the aesthetics and decoration of a space. When an area has to be energized by that Wood element, silk plants could be employed as a replacement for genuine plants since they are not made of living tissue. White On White Penang florist is the place to purchase flowers from if you want them to be sent to your home in the form of an internet-based delivery service and if you want to do it over the internet. At this location, you are free to place your order at your convenience.

About Calvin K. Coburn

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